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Free to all

Must meet the USA Wrestling criteria in order to qualify.

Practices will be held at 3408 Newburg Rd Louisville KY 40218

Sundays 2-4 pm (check the calendar)

Wednesday practice will be held from 3:30-5:00 pm till August 14, after August 14th we will move to our regular schedule practice time of 6:o0pm


RTC Membership Application Form

Before registering, please have a USA Wrestling Membership. Click here to learn how to obtain a membership.

Wrestler Information

Athlete Name(Required)
Phone or Email Required
Email or Phone Required
Please indicate what practice you plan on attending

You must have a valid USA Wrestling membership to attend practice.

Click here to learn how to obtain a membership.

Parent Information

Parent Name(Required)

Emergency Contact

Contact Name

RTC Qualifications

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Signup for the Knight Newsletter

Stay up to date on all things Knights RTC by signing up for our email newsletter.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.